Sunday July 12, 2020
We light a candle each week as a reminder of God’s presence with us through the Holy Spirit, and that Jesus Christ is the Light of the world. We also remember the words of our congregation’s mission statement—“being formed, being sent, by Christ”—and that Jesus is still doing this work in us, even as we are physically apart and worshiping in our homes. AMEN.
HYMN: "You Shall Go Out With Joy (medley)"
Call to Confession: In Christ there is no condemnation, for perfect love casts out sin. Let us confess our sins to God.
Prayer of Confession:
Faithful God, your word falls on hardened ground
when our worldly anxiety and attachment to wealth
crowd out your place in our lives.
Forgive our frail and human ways
and cultivate in us a spirit of trust and faithfulness,
for you are our hope for deliverance. Amen.
Declaration of Forgiveness: Friends, when deeds of iniquity overwhelm us, God forgives our transgressions. Be at peace, for God restores and strengthens you and waters your soul in its parched and hardened places. Happy are those who come into God’s courts, for you shall be satisfied with the goodness of God and rejoice in the holiness of God’s temple.
Pause for individual prayers: Take a moment to silently lift your prayers and praises to God. Whatever you have on your heart today, share it with God in this time of silence.
The Jesus who invites all to come to him, also teaches us to pray. So let us join together with the words of the Lord’s Prayer:
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come, your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial, and deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours
now and forever. AMEN.
God's gifts to us are abundant, and in gratitude we offer our hearts and our gifts to God. Offerings may be contributed online here, or can be mailed to the home of our church Treasurer (address in church directory).
We also invite you to consider contributing to our Mosaic Mennonite Conference Shalom Fund. This fund helps our congregations and ministries respond to members and neighbors in ways that provide support for basic and essential needs. We greatly appreciate your generous support of this ministry.
Go forth sowing the seed of God’s new world,
and give thanks, for God will supply the growth.
May you go forth in joy and be led back in peace
this day and always.*
- How does the image of rain and snow remind you of God, or of how God cares for the world?
- Where are you experiencing new life? Where are you struggling? How might God be bringing new life from that struggle?
*Adapted from Kimberly Bracken Long. Feasting on the Word Worship Companion: Liturgies for Year A, Volume 2: Trinity Sunday through Reign of Christ (p. 70-77).