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Sunday May 10, 2020 Easter 5

During the season of Easter (April 12-May 24) we are doing a series on the “fruits of the Spirit” from Galatians 5.

We suggest doing the PREPARING activity first. Then start the MEDITATION video, which includes the prayers and other parts of the liturgy, so you can participate with each element. Just pause the meditation video for the elements that are included below (HYMNS, OFFERING, etc).



“God grant me the wisdom of patience. Let me see clearly this day the difference between patience and cowardice, between patience and fear, between patience and weakness. At my moments of confusion, give me the insight needful for Thy purpose in me. Teach me that my fear of impatience may be a mere indulgence. There are some things in the presence of which I dare not be patient lest they destroy and render evil even the good intent and the holy will. God grant me the wisdom of patience.”

-Rev. Dr. Howard Thurman

("The Wisdom of Patience," Meditations of the Heart, 178)



We light this candle as a reminder of God’s presence with us, and to remind us that Jesus Christ is the Light of the world. Know that whether we gather together in the same place, or in separate places, that God is here among us too, through the Holy Spirit. AMEN. 



Source of all hope and holiness,
we gather this morning to be church.
Bless those who are absent, but not from our hearts.
Bless all of us who are physically distant, but not from your love. 
Bless each of us who gather, that we may
  choose justice by your Spirit
  draw kindness from the well of your mercy,
  and walk humbly in your path, O God. AMEN.*


HYMN: "Love > Fear" by The Many



Let us unite our hearts in prayer, saying, God of resurrection, hear our prayer.**  

For the church throughout the world, that all who profess to honor the risen Lord may be faithful in their witness and courageous in their testimony to the way of Jesus; God of resurrection, hear our prayer

For the governments of the world and its leaders, that the nations may dwell in peace, and that good will prevail over strife, God of resurrection, hear our prayer.

For rain and sun in proper measure, and for abundant food and water for all who dwell upon the earth, God of resurrection, hear our prayer.

For the sick and those in need, and for any who are oppressed by wounds of the soul; and for all whom we have named in our prayer chain this week, God of resurrection, hear our prayer.

For our neighbors that we may live together in amity, and that strangers among us may find us to be hospitable friends, God of resurrection, hear our prayer.

Almighty God, your Son promised to grant whatever we ask in his name. By your Holy Spirit empower us to minister to the world as his faithful disciples, that our work may testify to what we pray, and show forth your eternal glory, through Jesus Christ, who taught us to pray saying…

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, 

your kingdom come, your will be done, 

on earth as it is in heaven. 

Give us today our daily bread. 

Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. 

Save us from the time of trial, and deliver us from evil. 

For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours 

now and forever. AMEN.


SCRIPTURE READINGS: Galatians 5:22-23, Exodus 34:6





God's gifts to us are abundant, and in gratitude we offer our hearts and our gifts to God. Offerings may be contributed online here, or can be mailed to the home of our church Treasurer (address in church directory). 

We also invite you to consider contributing to our Mennonite Conference Shalom Fund. This fund helps our congregations and ministries respond to members and neighbors in ways that provide support for basic and essential needs. We greatly appreciate your generous support of this ministry. 


HYMN: "I Believe" performed by the Dock Mennonite Academy Touring Choir


SENDING BLESSING: We will close with a prayer today titled, “We are People of Courage”, by Barbara Glasson and Ale De La Torre. They created this as a prayer for the people of God in a time of coronavirus. Let’s pray it together…

We are not people of fear:

We are people of courage.

We are not people who protect our own safety:

we are people who protect our neighbors’ safety.

We are not people of greed:

we are people of generosity.

We are your people God,

giving and loving,

wherever we are,

whatever it costs

For as long as it takes
wherever you call us.




This passage about the fruits of the Spirit begins with “By contrast…” (v.22). How is patience a contrast to other behaviors that people might display? 

How is God patient? How have you experienced God’s patience? 

In what ways do other people have to be patient with me? 

Can you think of some examples of people who have shown (or are showing) great patience in the face of injustice or suffering?


*Adapted from Sing the Journey, number 122. 

 ** Adapted from Kimberly Bracken Long. Feasting on the Word Worship Companion: Liturgies for Year A, Volume 1: Advent through Pentecost (154).